(517) 647-2551 info@misleepsolutions.com

Michigan Sleep Solutions

Signs of Sleep Apnea

Start Sleeping Better Today!

Sleep apnea is among the most common and dangerous sleep disorders. The disorder is characterized by breathing interruptions during sleep, thus putting the patient at a range of health risks.

If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Sleep disorders can affect anyone regardless of their age and gender.

Types of sleep apnea


Obstructive sleep apnea


Obstructive sleep apnea is by far the most common. It happens when the airway becomes obstructed by the tongue while you sleep.

The primary sign of obstructive sleep apnea is snoring. As the air passes over this obstruction, a vibration occurs, and the noise emitted from the vibration is known as snoring. Michigan Sleep Solutions resolves OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) by using oral appliance therapy. 

Central apnea


Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain fails to send correct signals to the muscles which control breathing. This type of sleep apnea is less common, however more fatal. The disorder may result from other underlying health issues such as stroke and heart failure. Moreover, you could experience a central sleep disorder while sleeping at a high altitude position


Complex sleep apnea


Complex sleep apnea is a combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea. In most cases, it starts as central sleep apnea and ends up as obstructive. 


Doctor Holding Chart, Search Bar with "Sleep Apnea" Written Inside

Your Treatment Plan

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Book an Appointment

Michigan Sleep Solutions wants to be your destination for all of your sleep apnea needs. Our conveniently located Portland office serves the Lansing and Grand Rapids areas with sleep apnea testing and treatment services.  

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Sleep Apnea Assessments

We aim to make screening and testing for sleep apnea quick and easy. Start by filling out the Sleep Apnea Screener, with these results we can determine if you are a candidate for a convenient at-home sleep test.

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Treatment Planning

Based on your specific test results and needs our team will craft a custom, sleep health plan for you with one of our Oral Appliance or another Sleep Apnea treatment option.

Signs and symptoms of sleep apnea


While signs and symptoms can vary per patient, there are a few consistent signs of sleep apnea. If you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis, there is a good chance you are suffering from sleep apnea.

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Snoring is a leading sign of sleep apnea. While a patient may experience snoring occasionally, it becomes a cause of concern when snoring becomes more consistent.

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Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

Daytime sleepiness could be due to a lack of proper sleep during the night. Obstructive sleep apnea causes sleep interruptions, which keeps your body from reaching deep sleep. Even if you are sleeping for eight hours, you might not be getting the rest your body needs to feel well-rested in the morning.

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Interrupted Breathing While Sleeping

You may experience episodes of breathlessness. These are called apnea events, and depending upon the severity of your sleep apnea, you could be experiencing 30 or more events per hour!

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Gasping and Choking in Middle of Sleep

If you have ever woken up and felt like you couldn’t catch your breath or that it felt like you were being choked, you were most likely feeling the effects of an apnea event. Due to the collapse of soft tissue in the back of your throat, your airway becomes  blocked, consequently you experience sudden awakenings accompanied by gasping.

Additional Symptoms Include:

Headaches in the morning


The tiredness from lack of proper sleep coupled with insufficient oxygen supply to the brain can cause morning headaches. Sleep helps our bodies relax and recover, and if your body is not receiving a sufficient amount of oxygen, you will wake up feeling dizzy and have a headache.


High blood pressure


Due to improper breathing, your heart is forced to pump harder to ensure adequate oxygen circulation throughout the body. The added stress of sleep apnea on the heart   can lead to several heart conditions, including high blood pressure.


If you or your loved one is experiencing any of these highlighted symptoms or aren’t sleeping well it is probably time to visit a sleep specialist. We are your go-to experts for sleep apnea treatments.

Oral appliance therapy has been highly tested and proven to yield fast results. Contact Michigan Sleep Solutions today to learn more about sleep apnea or to get treated.

Call Today!



Portland, Michigan Office

8037 Abbey Road
Portland, Michigan 48875

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